Fat gay bars phoenix

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And for lesbians who just want to have a good time and aren't necessarily looking to hook up, Amsterdam is the perfect environment for laid-back conversation and boozing without the brawling and bruising. As if to prove they don't mind all the gals coming 'round, the folks at Amsterdam also launched 'Ladies Happy Hour' every third Friday, with drink specials extending until 8 p.m.īut it isn't just the cheap drinks and pampering that draw in the lesbian crowd: With such a small, circular scene, Amsterdam is one of the few places in Phoenix where longtime lesbian clubbers aren't guaranteed to run into an ex or some form of drama. But Amsterdam's Monday weekly, 'Martinis & Manicures' � where patrons can get each for $5 � has been drawing in lots of ladies (lesbian and otherwise) for the past year. This suave lounge has long been a favorite of Phoenix gays because it hosts 'female illusionists' (a high-society-sounding way of saying 'drag queens'), male revues, and the flamboyant karaoke that's a staple of Valley gay bars.

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